Trident Scholar Program
The Trident Scholar Program provides an opportunity for a select group of exceptionally capable midshipmen to engage in study and research during their senior year. Naval Academy faculty and other area specialists mentor the Trident Scholars helping them expand their knowledge and contribute to their fields of study.
USNA '70 Trident Scholars and Field of Study

- JOHN WILLIAM BODNAR: "The Synthesis of New Antimalarials"
- PHILIP THOMAS CAHILL: "A Numerical Investigation of the Deuteron Ground State"
- JOHN CALVIN DEJONG: "The Response of a Spark Chamber to Incident Neutral Particles"
- ROBERT JOSEPH KIMBLE JR: "Ortho-Implication Algebras and Empirical Logic"

- JAMES RICHARD LARICKS: "Second Harmonic Generation of Light in Transparent Media"
- DUDLEY WADE LEATH: "The Significance of Marine Bioluminescence in Sound-Scattering Layer Migration"
- DANIEL LEE PIKE: "The Wake of a Catalytic Flat Plate in a Dissociated Gas Flow"
- JOHN WESLEY SEWARD JR: "Current Youth Unrest: The Image of French Romanticism Between 1800 1850"

- CHARLES RICHARD SKOLDS: "The Preparation and Characterization of New Heteropoly Tungstates"
- SAMUEL RYAN SWAH: "The Flyaway Seat"
- STANLEY BYRON WEEKS: "The Development and Implication of the United States Alliance with Spain Since 1953"
- STEPHEN WAYNE ZAVADIL: "Radiation-Induced Acoustic Cavitation in a Scintillating Liquid"
Updated: June 26, 2016
Curator: Ed Moore